JAN-KRIS-POW! We wrap our "Voices from Lily Dale" mini-series with Reverends Janice Dreshman and Kris Seastedt - a one-two punch of registered mediums and certified Fairyologists who also run a salt cave ( KRAN KAVE ) out of ...
Come with us on a virtual ghost walk as Rev. Ronald Skowronski unveils the spirits and history of Lily Dale, the world's largest spiritualist community.
Think your job is challenging? In this episode we are joined by Dr. Richard Gallagher, author of "Demonic Foes: My Twenty-Five Years Investigating Possessions, Diabolical Attacks, and the Paranormal". Dr. Gallagher's book is the inspiration for a major motion picture now in pre-production.
Afraid of Nothing means being fearless - even about our own imminent death. Dr. Piero Calvi-Parisetti delivers what he believes to be definitive proof of the afterlife in his new book "Step Into the Light". Dr. Calvi-Parisetti's mantra is the more we know about death, the easier our transition will…
Author, DNA scientist Dr. Brent C. Satterfield shares his out of body experiences (OBE) visiting multiple heavens. A mind-blowing episode!
Brad "Little Frog" Hudson, the shaman who kicked off our podcast with episodes 1 & 2, rejoins us for an update on his ongoing battle with demonic depossessions.
Mediums Ruthie Larkin and Rob Gutro join me to talk about how to shake off the negative energy from 2020.
In the 4 months since I had Andy Grant as a guest (episode 6), the world has blown up with a pandemic, economic downturn, massive unemployment, civil unrest ... and that doesn't include an emotionally charged presidential ele...
Author, transformational life coach and healer Andy Grant talks about Akashic readings, energy and overcoming suicidal thoughts.
Celtic Medium Colleen Costello talks about angels and her personal near death experience.
Brad "Little Frog" Hudson shares his reawakening to shamanism in mid life.
Shaman Brad "Little Frog" Hudson talks about demonic depossession and dealing with those nasty dark entity critters when clearing homes.