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Rosemary Thornton

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For 20 years, Rosemary Thornton enjoyed a national reputation as an expert on old houses. The author of nine books, Rosemary has been featured on everything from PBS’ “History Detectives” to BBC Radio. In 2016, her husband committed suicide and two years later, Rosemary was diagnosed with a life-threatening illness leading to what she termed as "a temporary death experience" -- not "near-death" as Rosemary was dead for well over 10 minutes! The event, captured in her book "Remembering the Light: How Dying Saved My Life", would transform Rosemary's life from a living hell to one where she felt relief, peace and divine love.

Feb. 26, 2023

Afraid of My Temporary Death Experience

When Rosemary’s husband committed suicide at their home, she fell into a pit so deep and dark that medical professionals expressed doubts that she’d ever fully recover. Two years later, Rosemary was diagnosed with stage two c...