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Revs. Jan Dreshman and Kris Seastedt

Revs. Jan Dreshman and Kris Seastedt Profile Photo

Reverend / Medium / Fairyologist

Rev. Dr. Janice L. Dreshman, is a registered medium in Lily Dale, who has worked with people from all over the world. In addition to her service as a professional medium and an ordained minister, Janice has worked with children, adolescents, adults, the elderly and the military for more than thirty years. Much of this work has focused on coping with trauma, crisis, grief, risk prevention and psycho-spiritual transformation. Janice was recognized for her work both nationally and internationally when she received the Crystal Award. She was also the recipient of the General Colin Powell Leadership Award for her work with families, the community and the military. She is the co-author of the books "Caring in Times of Crisis: and “Can you ask my Dad what it’s like in Heaven.

Rev. Kris Seastedt, is a registered Lily Dale Medium and a Certified Fairyologist. Kris’ Swedish and Irish background allows her to incorporate the richness of her heritage into her expertise with especially with fairyology. Kris has taught college level courses in both Astrology and meditation. She has also led development circles. Her work at Chautauqua Institution included running the Welcome Center and conference, services team and groups sales. Along with Jan, Kris is also the co author of two CD’s Fairy Elements & Meditation and Shamanic Drumming & Elemental Mediation; and the co creator of the KRAN Fairy Deck Cards and the KRAN Ancient Wisdom Deck Cards.

Sept. 22, 2021

Afraid of Voices from Lily Dale 3

JAN-KRIS-POW! We wrap our "Voices from Lily Dale" mini-series with Reverends Janice Dreshman and Kris Seastedt - a one-two punch of registered mediums and certified Fairyologists who also run a salt cave ( KRAN KAVE ) out of ...