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Inspired Ghost Tracking

Inspired Ghost Tracking Profile Photo

Paranormal Investigative Group

Margaret Ehrlich - Manager
Rob Gutro and Troy Cline - Mediums

Inspired Ghost Tracking is where you meet other paranormal investigators and other people who have an interest in the paranormal, ghost investigations, ghost hunting, ghosts, and spirits. We do various events around the paranormal and have guest speakers who are experienced in paranormal, paranormal investigations, and ghost hunters.

This is a ghost tracking group that gets together to discuss like-minded topics, share experiences, ghost pictures, investigations and to plan some trips to ghost tours, Gettysburg, haunted places, and some ghost investigation work. Anyone with a serious mind for paranormal or would like to know more on paranormal investigations should join.

We meet twice a month, on the 1st Friday of the month we have a guest speaker or plan something else at the VFW Post 160 in Glen Burnie and later in the month we go on investigations, ghosts tours, or anything else that we like to do.

Inspired Ghost Tracking would like to inspire you to learn more on the paranormal, ghost investigations, ghost tours, super natural, ghost hunters, paranormal investigations, and more. Why not get inspired and join today?

Inspired Ghost Tracking members pay yearly dues of $50. Due to the nature of this group you must be at least 18 years old or accompanied by an adult.

Private investigations are done by our core group. If you are looking for someone to investigate your home then please contact us at or go to ( to visit our other site. Also, check out our Facebook page .

Aug. 23, 2022

Afraid of The Linville Manor

Psychic mediums Rob Gutro and Troy Cline shared the results of their investigation of the historic Linville Manor nestled among 4 acres and hosted by more ghosts on the grounds than Ebenezer Scrooge can shake a candlestick at. Owner Winn Brewer and Sometimes Co-host Cuyle Carvin also join a spirite…
May 11, 2021

Afraid of The Double Murder Ghost Investigation

Double the murders, triple the guests! Tonight we unpack one of the strangest paranormal investigations - The Double Murder Ghost Investigation - with the paranormal investigative team from Inspired Ghost Tracking in Maryland...