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Colleen Costello

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The Celtic Medium

Colleen Costello, "The Celtic Medium", is an Internationally renowned Irish Psychic/Medium, Tarot Master, Angel Communicator, Coach, Lecturer, Radio and TV personality who has been reading over 30 years.

She uses her lifetime experience in the Tarot, ability to connect with those crossed over, a combination of traditional, Angel and Oracle cards, along with guidance from her Angels, Spirit Guides and Ascended Masters to help you in solving any present difficulties in life, whether they be spiritual, physical or dealing with the loss of a loved one. She looks in depth at any blocks in your life and helps you find ways to overcome them so that you can find peace and live a spiritually happy and healed life.

Aug. 12, 2023

Afraid of 100th Episode: Best of the First 50

For our 100th episode we take a look back at the "best of the first 50" (episodes). Episode 1 - Afraid of Demons and Dark Entities (Brad "Little Frog" Hudson) Episode 4 - Afraid of When Ghosts Attack (Colleen Costello - Celtic Medium) Episode 17 - Afraid of Campfire Tales and High Strangeness …
Jan. 26, 2020

Afraid of When Ghosts Attack

Colleen Costello, the Celtic Medium, usually isn't afraid and never runs from spirits - except this one harrowing event on the USS Salem when a dark entity chased her and followed her home.
Jan. 22, 2020

Afraid of Angels & NDEs

Celtic Medium Colleen Costello talks about angels and her personal near death experience.