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Nick Groff

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Paranormal Investigator and TV Personality

Nick Groff was born on April 19th, 1980, in San José, California. Raised in New England, he's been fascinated with the paranormal since childhood, because of his passion for horror movies and some inexplicable experiences within his home and family. His strong vivacity led him to risk his own life twice within one year, he considers the first and gravest time a near-death experience that made him more sensitive to the supernatural.

Groff's first documentary film was "Ghost Adventures". The movie aired in 2007 on the SyFy channel with a record breaking 1.4 million viewers on a Friday night. Groff co-created, co-produced, edited, cinematographer and was an investigator on screen. Groff is the co-founder for GAC "Ghost Adventures Crew". "Ghost Adventures" was his first paranormal TV project, which he co-created, co-hosted and executive produced for ten seasons (2008-2014). He's had many experiences while filming it, the most important of which was when he saw the apparition of a woman at Linda Vista Hospital (Los Angeles, CA) that left a mark on him, definitively convincing him about the existence of the afterlife.

He worked on many projects in different fields, like writing his autobiography book titled "Chasing Spirits: The Building of the Ghost Adventures Crew" (2012). As a singer he released in 2012 two music albums: "The Other Side" and "Spiritual War: Good vs Evil". Through his production company, the Groff Entertainment, he produces some independent music artists besides his TV projects. Among his past important film projects there is the movie he wrote and directed, "Malevolence" (2004), and the TV shows he executive produced: Travel Channel's "Vegas Stripped" (2012) and Destination America's "Ghost Stalkers" (2014).

His dedication for sports and wellness led him to open his own gym and in June 2013 he launched the "Drive Health & Fitness" in Methuen, MA, which he co-owned until August 2015. In 2014 he was an "American Ninja Warrior" competitor and applied again for the 2015 edition, he also raced and won the Boston Spartan Race. In 2019 Groff teamed up with Mike Couch with The Lost Limbs Foundation and created the new TV show "Unlimbited Journey" series to help raise money for amputees. Groff climbed Mount Washington in NH and ran the Spartan Beast, a 14 mile obstacle in freezing rain. "Unlimbited Journey" is streaming on Amazon Prime.

On November 24th, 2014 he announced to no longer be a part of the Ghost Adventures Crew and launched the Nick Groff Tour, through which he organizes events to meet his fans and investigate with them in America's most haunted locations. His next show "Paranormal Lockdown" first premiered on March 4th, 2016 on Destination America, breaking the ratings records of the network. It has been such a success that it was renewed for a second and third season and aired on TLC/ID Discovery/Destination America.

In 2019 Paranormal Lockdown UK aired on QuestRed in the UK, which was a huge success in the United Kingdom helping the Discovery Inc. International channels. Paranormal Lockdown is airing world-wide. Another show he has worked on was Destination America's "Ghosts of Shepherdstown" (2016), where he was called to assist the Shepherdstown, WV, police department with his expertise in the paranormal field. He has two daughters: Annabelle, born on December 7, 2010, and Chloë, born on September 2, 2014 and has lived in New England since 2012. In 2020 his new project "Death Walker" series was announced. Groff's projects are syndicated in over 50 countries world-wide! Groff travels the world in search of discovering new findings within the unknown.

Aug. 12, 2023

Afraid of 100th Episode: Best of the First 50

For our 100th episode we take a look back at the "best of the first 50" (episodes). Episode 1 - Afraid of Demons and Dark Entities (Brad "Little Frog" Hudson) Episode 4 - Afraid of When Ghosts Attack (Colleen Costello - Celtic Medium) Episode 17 - Afraid of Campfire Tales and High Strangeness …
Oct. 19, 2020

Afraid of A Seance Revisited, Death Walker & Feartober

Nick Groff, the man who brought you Ghost Adventures and Paranormal Lockdown, talks about his new series Death Walker, revisiting the infamous seance gone wrong at the Conjuring house and more.
Guest: Nick Groff