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Andy Grant

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Transformational Life Coach and Healing

My name is Andy Grant, and I can read energy. I can read YOUR energy. I can help you experience your natural essence; the true you. Together we can strip away the layers of crud and remove the blocks to letting you experience your radiant, shining self in all aspects of your life.

I discovered energy work in 2009, and it transformed my life. I had been quite a miserable person. Actually “miserable” is an understatement, I spent a large portion of my life struggling with depression and suicidal thoughts. It took me years to realize that the root cause of my trouble was within me. It was in my thoughts, my feelings – my energy!

Once I began clearing the energetic blocks in my own life; creating stronger boundaries, reclaiming my power from others, and feeling how magnificent life is, I KNEW I wanted to help other people feel the same way.

I’ve been performing energy readings and coaching people around the world since May 2011. I added Akashic Records Readings to my offerings in October 2013. I am a graduate of David Morelli’s Enwaken Coaching System™, a year-long intensive program of reading energy, and have certificates in Reiki, Soul Entrainment®, Akashic Records, and Positive Psychology, as well as a slew of other training from such personal growth leaders as Brendon Burchard, Bill Harris, Margaret Lynch, Mike Dooley, T. Harv Eker, Linda Howe and many more.

On January 28, 2016, I received a Life Activation and was initiated into the Modern Mystery School™ six weeks later. I’ve gone on to partake in many trainings and healings culminating in becoming a Life Activation Practitioner and Certified Healer in 2018. The Modern Mystery School has given my daily rituals and practices that have greatly improved my life and the level of service I offer my clients.

I’m the best selling author of a number of books and even have an online class that can teach you how to publish your own eBooks too. I also host a weekly podcast called, Real Men Feel, which encourages men to allow and express all of their emotions. Show focus on personal growth, mental health, masculinity, and spirituality.

I teach a variety of workshops including, online offerings, The Power of Gratitude, and Introduction to The Akashic Records, and live classes such as, Energy Tools To Rock Your Life. I am also a certified trainer of Infinite Possibilities: The Art of Changing Your Life, which is based on NY Time Best-Selling author Mike Dooley’s book Infinite Possibilities, The Art of Living Your Dreams. As a matter of fact, Mike was one of the contributors to the blockbuster book and DVD, The Secret, and is the man behind Notes from the Universe.

In an energy coaching session with me, I will look at your essence, your core, and the energy of any blocks or issues you are facing. Together we will dissolve them- transform them at the energetic root- which will allow you to let go of them, and bloom into all that you were born to be. I am here to serve you.

Sept. 5, 2022

Afraid of My Life Activation

Host Bob Heske shares a recent life activation he had with transformational energy healer Andy Grant. A life activation is a ritual Andy received training from the Modern Mystery School and, well, you have to receive one to fully understand …

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June 12, 2020

Afraid of 2020 and My Akashic Reading

In the 4 months since I had Andy Grant as a guest (episode 6), the world has blown up with a pandemic, economic downturn, massive unemployment, civil unrest ... and that doesn't include an emotionally charged presidential ele...

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Feb. 7, 2020

Afraid of Akashic, Energy & Suicide

Author, transformational life coach and healer Andy Grant talks about Akashic readings, energy and overcoming suicidal thoughts.

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