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Season 3

Dec. 22, 2023

Afraid of The Miracle of 2nd Chances

Do you believe in miracles? Tonight's episode has two:  In the Fall of 2022, John Reign overcame a vicious case of Covid that "felt like I was breathing razor blades".  John made an unbelievable recovery through the power of prayer which had health care workers dubbing him "The Miracle Man".   …

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Dec. 4, 2023

Afraid of Love in the Afterlife

True love means sticking with a person "till death do us part". But what happens when the human bond of love extends beyond death into the afterlife?

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Nov. 27, 2023

Afraid of Aliens, UFO Hotspots and Valiant Thor

Cuyle Carvin takes over the main console in this episode to interview friend and colleague Craig Campobasso who is a casting director, filmmaker, author and UFO enthusiast. Oh the stories he has to share -- the Truth is not "out there" ... it's on this episode!

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Nov. 21, 2023

Afraid of Cinema Symbolism & The Wizard of Oz (Oh My!)

Robert W. Sullivan IV comes back to share more Cinema Symbolism ... including an unsettling new discovery about the Wizard of Oz, occultist Aleister Crowley and an Indian hex.

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Oct. 31, 2023

Afraid of The Best of the Unrest (episodes 51-99)

We've got a treat for you -- a mashup of the creepiest clips from shows 51-99 featuring (in order): Afraid of Demonic Foes Afraid of a Rockin' Good Ghost Story Afraid of the Priest Who Sees Stuck Souls in His Sleep Afraid of Cinema Symbolism Afraid of A Savannah Haunting Afraid of The Demon…

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Sept. 25, 2023

Afraid of Astral Travel, Humanoids and High Strangeness

Author Preston Dennett joins us to talk about his latest book - Humanoids and High Strangeness: Twenty True UFO Encounters - and what it's like to astral travel.

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Aug. 23, 2023

Afraid of The Legion of Exorcists with Bishop Rita Strugala

Bishop Rita Strugala, the lone female exorcist on Eli Roth's The Legion of Demons, talks about her journey from private paranormal investigator to paranormal celebrity and Exorcist for the Old Catholic Church.

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Aug. 12, 2023

Afraid of 100th Episode: Best of the First 50

For our 100th episode we take a look back at the "best of the first 50" (episodes). Episode 1 - Afraid of Demons and Dark Entities (Brad "Little Frog" Hudson) Episode 4 - Afraid of When Ghosts Attack (Colleen Costello - Celtic Medium) Episode 17 - Afraid of Campfire Tales and High Strangeness …

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July 30, 2023

Afraid of Sleep Paralysis

Think you know sleep paralysis? You only know the end of the nightmare. In this keep-you-up-all-night episode, Vicki Joy Anderson will share her research and belief as she attempts to answer these questions.

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July 4, 2023

Afraid of Soul Retrieval and The Pattern

Author Kevin Jeffers shares his experiences as a soul traveler, healer, and energy specialist. He has set out to teach people how to achieve spiritual freedom through a unique expression of consciousness he calls the Pattern.

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June 17, 2023

Afraid of Conversations with the Dead

Want to get to know the Dead? Sometimes the Universe delivers ... like with tonight's episode. Former work colleague and friend Tricia Wilson connected me with author and teacher Perdita Finn to talk about her newest book, Take Back the Magic: Conversations with the Unseen World. And once ag…

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May 30, 2023

Afraid of High Strangeness at the Columbia River Gorge

Former volunteer Search & Rescue EMT, wildland firefighter, and mountain guide James Szubski discusses the wide array of paranormal activity in the Columbia River Gorge including the Klickitat Ape Cat, Sasquatch, UFOs, portals, and small humanoids.

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May 22, 2023

Afraid of the Demon of Brownsville Road

Ready for a haunting? Be prepared for more ... this long-awaited episode tells the harrowing tale of a Pittsburgh family's decades long spiritual battle with a demonic entity in a stately home built on the grounds of a massacre and with a cursed blood-soaked past. October 1988: Bob Cranmer buys …

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April 13, 2023

Afraid of The Nixon Gleason Alien Encounter

This is an episode so good that I had to mix it twice...Go figure, the file of an episode about Richard Nixon gets corrupted! Strap yoursellf in for a little history, politics, paranormal and entertainment as we unveil the ...

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March 23, 2023

Afraid of A Savannah Haunting

Love ghost stories? We've got one to hit you right in the heartland. The heartland of Savannah, Georgia... home to rolling hills, historic plantations, Southern hospitality, buried secrets, and restless spirits.. Tonight we interview William Mark McCullough; an actor, writer, director who not only…

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March 11, 2023

Afraid of Free Spirited - An Afterlife Connection

Author Suzanne Falter discusses her book, Free Spirited: How My Daughter Healed Me from the Afterlife - a moving account of the writer's rebirth into new love and spiritual enlightenment achieved in the aftermath of grievous loss.

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Feb. 26, 2023

Afraid of My Temporary Death Experience

When Rosemary’s husband committed suicide at their home, she fell into a pit so deep and dark that medical professionals expressed doubts that she’d ever fully recover. Two years later, Rosemary was diagnosed with stage two c...

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Feb. 11, 2023

Afraid of Alien Abduction Hypno Regression

Another two-for-one show! Hypno Therapist and Regressionist Leslie Mitchell-Clarke joins us with her prize patient -- Wes G. Roberts, an alien abduction experiencer. Listen in for the highlights but to get the story, buy the ...

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Jan. 7, 2023

Afraid of Living a Happily Ever Afterlife

Author, psychic medium and spiritual healer Echo Bodine talks about her new book "How to Live a Happily Every Afterlife". Introduction by Emily Heske.

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Dec. 11, 2022

Afraid of An Icy NDE - Heaven is Beautiful

Peter Panagore has died - twice - and lived to tell about it in his best-selling book "Heaven is Beautiful", soon to be a major motion picture.

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