Mediums Ruthie Larkin and Rob Gutro join me to talk about how to shake off the negative energy from 2020.
Host Bob Heske shares EVPs captured from his car when making the documentary "Afraid of Nothing" and driving with a possessed Ouija board locked in his trunk.
Paranormal photographer Frank C. Grace graces us with tricks, tips and tales of capturing haunted places on film.
Author Joni Mayhan discusses her book "Bones in the Basement" about the SK Pierce Mansion and her new haunted digs in New Harmony, Indiana.
Author Joni Mayhan talks about her run in with the nefarious Soul Collector and other dark entities that constantly attack her.
Paranormal investigator, author and blogger Alex Matsuo shares The Spooky Stuff.
Folklore writer Joe Durwin joins me to discuss mysterious things in the Berkshires in the ghost land of Western Massachusetts.
John Kozik, owner/curator of the Salem Witch Board Museum, shares his vast personal collection and veritable knowledge of all things Ouija.
Nick Groff, the man who brought you Ghost Adventures and Paranormal Lockdown, talks about his new series Death Walker, revisiting the infamous seance gone wrong at the Conjuring house and more.
Ken Watson - Author, Historian and Curator of the SK Pierce Victorian Mansion - joins us to talk about his new book capturing the genealogy of the SK Pierce family and the true history of this venerable landmark meticulously restored in South Gardner, Massachusetts.
Brandon Alvis joins us to discuss his experiences as a tech on Ghost Hunters and the science behind paranormal investigating and evidence gathering.
Canadian film and television producer, writer and director Paul Kimball talks about his paranormal-themed documentaries, dangerous personal supernatural experiences and relationship with his iconic uncle, nuclear physicist and ufologist Stanton Friedman (deceased) who was the subject of perhaps Kim…
Award-winning mind reader Mark Toland talks about getting into people's heads and his skepticism about the paranormal.
EPIC EPISODE ALERT! Ecstatic to have Ruthie Larkin, the Bean Town Medium, on board for a rare podcast appearance. Recognized as one of the top 50 psychics in America, Ruthie joins my co-host Cuyle Carvin and I to discuss some...
Hold on to your "hat man" (spoiler: you'll get that dark pun when you listen to this episode) ... we are gobsmacked to hear the stories and, yes, family secrets of author, radio host, paranormal historian and TV personality, ...
What do scifi and the future have in common? They feed off each other and offer some valuable lessons for those living in the Present. In Episode 27 scifi novelist and futurist Robert J. Sawyer returns with more predictive in...
Episode 26 delivers one of the most prolific and accomplished scifi authors – Canada's Robert J. Sawyer . Robert has had 24 novels published, and his short fiction has appeared in Analog Science Fiction and Fact , Amazing St...
Hey Rover, come on over! Episode 25 is one of a kind, but one that touches many of us: communicating with pets who have passed over. Do pets go to Heaven? Will they meet us when we pass? What signs do they give us to let us k...
Author, Mentor and Instructor Lori Lambert Williams talks about consciousness, controlled remote viewing and Men Who Stare At Goats.
For those of you who have watched the Afraid of Nothing documentary on Amazon Prime, tonight's guest will be familiar. In fact, you've probably seen his mug on many critically acclaimed TV shows and films -- including a guest...
Dr. Mike Vitka, your quintessential tour guide, shares dark secrets and juicy details about ghosts, haunts, witches and true vampires in Salem, Massachusetts.
Author, Historian and sometimes TV expert David Goudsward talks about his latest book - Sun, Sand and Sea Serpents - and reels in stories on marine cryptids in New England and Florida. Also we dig into some of David's other exquisitely researched tomes.
Emmy-nominated producer Laura Marini talks about what its like to work on some of the most popular paranormal programs ... and what happens when something follows you home.
In the 4 months since I had Andy Grant as a guest (episode 6), the world has blown up with a pandemic, economic downturn, massive unemployment, civil unrest ... and that doesn't include an emotionally charged presidential ele...