Cuyle Carvin takes over the main console in this episode to interview friend and colleague Craig Campobasso who is a casting director, filmmaker, author and UFO enthusiast. Oh the stories he has to share -- the Truth is not "out there" ... it's on this episode!
Author Preston Dennett joins us to talk about his latest book - Humanoids and High Strangeness: Twenty True UFO Encounters - and what it's like to astral travel.
What do scifi and the future have in common? They feed off each other and offer some valuable lessons for those living in the Present. In Episode 27 scifi novelist and futurist Robert J. Sawyer returns with more predictive in...
Episode 26 delivers one of the most prolific and accomplished scifi authors – Canada's Robert J. Sawyer . Robert has had 24 novels published, and his short fiction has appeared in Analog Science Fiction and Fact , Amazing St...