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Folklore Episodes

May 30, 2023

Afraid of High Strangeness at the Columbia River Gorge

Former volunteer Search & Rescue EMT, wildland firefighter, and mountain guide James Szubski discusses the wide array of paranormal activity in the Columbia River Gorge including the Klickitat Ape Cat, Sasquatch, UFOs, portals, and small humanoids.

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Sept. 22, 2021

Afraid of Voices from Lily Dale 3

JAN-KRIS-POW! We wrap our "Voices from Lily Dale" mini-series with Reverends Janice Dreshman and Kris Seastedt - a one-two punch of registered mediums and certified Fairyologists who also run a salt cave ( KRAN KAVE ) out of ...

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March 29, 2021

Afraid of Vampires (Bonus Episode with Michelle Belanger)

Author, occult historian and medium Michelle Belanger revisits for this bonus episode about her experience as a psychic vampire.

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March 24, 2021

Afraid of the Occult and Daemons

Author, occult historian and medium Michelle Belanger (best known from Paranormal State) shares her vast knowledge of demons, ghosts and the paranormal.

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Nov. 18, 2020

Afraid of Mysterious Things in the Berkshires

Folklore writer Joe Durwin joins me to discuss mysterious things in the Berkshires in the ghost land of Western Massachusetts.

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Nov. 9, 2020

Afraid of Witch Boards

John Kozik, owner/curator of the Salem Witch Board Museum, shares his vast personal collection and veritable knowledge of all things Ouija.

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July 4, 2020

Afraid of Marine Cryptids

Author, Historian and sometimes TV expert David Goudsward talks about his latest book - Sun, Sand and Sea Serpents - and reels in stories on marine cryptids in New England and Florida. Also we dig into some of David's other exquisitely researched tomes.

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