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Aug. 27, 2021

Afraid of Voices from Lily Dale

Afraid of Voices from Lily Dale

Come with us on a virtual ghost walk as Rev. Ronald Skowronski unveils the spirits and history of Lily Dale, the world's largest spiritualist community.

Spiritualism is alive and well ... which is ironic because it is a religion that talks to the dead.

This is part 1 of a 3 part series on Lily Dale, the world's largest spiritual community. Located in upstate New York somewhere between Buffalo, Niagara Falls and the Canadian border, "The Dale" welcomes roughly 20,000 visitors through its pearly gates each summer for lectures, classes, readings and healings. Lily Dale's year-round residents number around 275 and it has its own post office and fire department -- not to mention one of the country's oldest pet cemeteries and a bonafide fairy trail.

In part 1 I talk with Reverend Ron Skowronski who leads a popular ghost walk that is part scares, part history with dollop of humor and a night cap of spiritualism mixed in. The 3-hour walk transverses most of the hamlet and culminates at the famous "Inspiration Stump" under a canopy of trees with, amazingly, no mosquitoes (although you will get bitten most any other time except for the end of Reverend Ron's ghost walks -- go figure!). A skilled story-teller and knowledgeable spiritualist, and a genuine good guy, Ron is the perfect guide to kick off this mini series. Enjoy!

Special thanks to 13-year old Emily Heske for recording the intro.



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Rev. Ronald Skowronski Profile Photo

Rev. Ronald Skowronski

Reverend, Speaker, Teacher

Rev. Ronald Skowronski is a sought-after speaker and teacher at Lily Dale for over 30 years. By age 18 Ron was immersed in Spiritualism, and at 25 he was the youngest ordained Spiritualist minister in the National Spiritualist Association of Churches and pastored Plymouth Spiritualist Church in Rochester, NY, from 1980-1990. Long noted as an authority on Spiritualism, he is also a humorist and social activist. In 1991, he became an ordained minister with United Church of Religious Science and teaches Science of Mind. He is dedicated to working for a world “that works for everybody.”

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