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Nov. 11, 2021

Afraid of The Priest Who Sees Stuck Souls in His Sleep

Afraid of The Priest Who Sees Stuck Souls in His Sleep

Roman Catholic Priest Father Nathan Castle talks about his "Afterlife, Interrupted" books and meeting stuck souls in his dreams.

If you think your dreams are vivid, try being Father Nathan Castle.

Father Nathan dreams of victims of tsunamis, forest fires, car crashes, violent shootings, murders, fraternity hazings, sudden, unfortunate accidents and even 9/11 deaths. Can't a hard-working priest get some rest?

A Catholic priest, Father Nathan is frequently visited by stuck souls -  and others who were killed in violent deaths - in his sleep. They all have the same problem: they can't seem to move on. Working with a short list of dedicated and vetted prayer partners, Father Nathan has helped move over 250 souls into the Light.

Father Nathan has written two books on the topic called "Afterlife, Interrupted" (books 1 and 2). To order signed copies in time for the holidays, visit his website at You can also order copies on Amazon and Audible.

Father Nathan's fans include Jack Canfield, author of "Chicken Soup for the Soul".  Watch an interview with Father Nathan and Jack Canfield here.

Opening dramatic monologue by Cuyle Carvin.



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Father Nathan Castle Profile Photo

Father Nathan Castle

Roman Catholic Priest / Author

Nathan G. Castle has been a Catholic priest of the semi-contemplative Dominican Order since 1979 and has served as a campus minister at Arizona State University, University of California, Riverside, and Stanford University.

He has prayed for deceased souls since childhood and has helped stuck souls cross over for almost twenty years. He has used his first book: And Toto, Too: The Wizard of Oz as a Spiritual Adventure as the basis for healing of trauma retreats for spiritual groups and survivors of natural disasters.

Father Nathan lives in a community of Dominican men and women serving the University of Arizona in Tucson.

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