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May 18, 2021

Afraid of Proof of the Afterlife

Afraid of Proof of the Afterlife

Afraid of Nothing means being fearless - even about our own imminent death. Dr. Piero Calvi-Parisetti delivers what he believes to be definitive proof of the afterlife in his new book "Step Into the Light". Dr. Calvi-Parisetti's mantra is the more we know about death, the easier our transition will be. Find out at the end of the interview his thoughts on reincarnation!

Don't believe in the afterlife?

Dr. Piero Calvi-Parisetti delivers what he believes to be definitive proof in his new book Step Into the Light. Dr. Calvi-Parisetti's mantra is the more we know about death, the easier our transition will be. And find out at the end of the interview his thoughts on reincarnation!

A medical doctor, university lecturer and member of the Society for Psychical Research, Dr. Parisetti's other books include 21 Days Into the Afterlife, Love Knows No Death: A Guided Workbook for Grief Transformation, and Adventures in Psychical Research: A medical doctor's exploration of the nature of consciousness and its survival to bodily death.

You can buy the book and learn more about afterlife science for the bereaved and dying at Dr. Calvi-Parisetti's website:

You can also buy Dr. Calvi-Parisetti's books on Amazon.



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Dr. Piero Calvi-Parisetti Profile Photo

Dr. Piero Calvi-Parisetti

Doctor, Author and Speaker

Italian-born, Scottish author and speaker Piero Calvi-Parisetti is a medical doctor originally specializing in Public Health and Disaster Management. At the beginning of his career, employed by the International Red Cross and the United Nations, he worked in the management of large-scale humanitarian aid operations in Africa, Asia and the former Soviet Union. At the end of year 2000 he moved from field operations to the classroom, taking up a late academic career. Until 2015, he has been Professor of Emergencies and
Humanitarian Action at the Institute for International Political Studies of Milan University (Italy) and a visiting professor at several other universities in Italy, Switzerland and the UK.

In 2004, a simple anecdote narrated by his wife triggered an intellectual interest, at first, and then a true scholarly passion for psychical research, especially for the study of scientific evidence pointing to the survival of human personality of bodily death. By digesting some 30,000 pages of literature, attending international conferences and study days, interviewing the researchers and even training personally with one of his intellectual heroes, Dr Raymond Moody (the first physician to write about Near-Death Experiences in 1975), Dr Parisetti became convinced that mind and consciousness cannot be reduced to the activity of the brain, and, in a way which we do not understand, they survive the death of the body.

In 2008, he published his first book "21 Days into the Afterlife", hailed by NY Times bestselling author Michael Presc… Read More

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